Current Needs


We are always in need of volunteers

Volunteer with childIf you have a passion for working with children (or teenagers), we want to invite you to spend your vacation, school break or gap year with us in exchange for a memorable and rewarding experience. We also need volunteer groups to partner with us in organizing activities such as English/Sports/Music camps and community events. Please visit our “Volunteer Opportunities” page for more information.

“Sponsor a Child’s Education”

StudentsWe have children from migrant families who are in need of sponsors for their education. These children study at the New Light CDC’s full day school. It only costs S$50 (US$40) a month to sponsor a child. The cost covers their books, school supplies, teacher’s salary, transportation, etc. If you are interested in being a sponsor or making a one-time contribution, please contact “The New Light CDC” for more information.

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